Free Customized Marketing Roadmap For Your
IT Services Business Will Show You How To Double
Or Triple Your Client Base

Marketing Roadmap

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Joanna Sobran

"Using Robin's Marketing, We're Bringing In $62,720 In Monthly Recurring Revenue (Up From $21,451), And That's AFTER Firing 13 Low-Profit Clients."

"Before working with Robin, we were only generating $21,541 in monthly recurring revenue. One year later, we're up to $62,720 in MRR. This is AFTER firing 13 low-profit clients. That means our profitability is up dramatically and our entire team is a LOT happier now that we're delivering our services to NEW clients who genuinely appreciate us and don't beat us up on price. I've never done marketing before and I'm definitely not a savvy sales person; so naturally I was skeptical of Robin's program at first. But sales are up and we're winning clients away from cheaper competitors on a regular basis. If that won't make you a believer that Robin's marketing works, I don't know what will!"
Joanna Sobran, MXOtech
Charles Henson

"We Closed The Year With A 37.1% Increase In Monthly Recurring Revenue And Will Bust Through The $2 Million Ceiling In The Year To Come!"

"Robin pounded into our brains time and time again that we need to look within our business and see what we do best and what is the most profitable, we decided to do just that. We put MORE effort into the things we did best instead of constantly starting new marketing ideas and never seeing them through. With our new found direction and attention to detail, we finished the year with an increase of 37.1% in monthly recurring revenue. This year is starting off with a bang as well...our MRR is already up 10% over last year, and our sales and marketing quarterly roadmaps are in place. We are definitely on track to bust through our two million dollar ceiling this year, no sweat!"
Charles Henson, Nashville Computer